Using Meeting Notes


Use the Meetings page on a child's profile to keep internal notes on your regular conferences with students and plan individually. The Meetings page helps you keep track of relevant notes and archive old notes. Meetings are never shared with Parents! Using this article, you can learn to:

Read on for details!

Find the Meeting page

You can access the Meetings page from a child's [Profile]. 

Once you are on a child's profile page, you can find the Meetings tab on the menu at the top of the page. If you do not see the Meetings tab, an admin at your school will need to turn on the Meetings feature at your school. 

Tip: Save time switching between children's profiles by clicking the [Switch Child] drop-down menu in the upper right. 

Turn on the Meetings feature

An Admin user on your school's account can turn on the Meetings feature by going to [Admin] > [School Settings] > [Optional Features] > under "Has Meetings" check the box for any level at your school that would like to use the Meeting Notes feature > [Save]. 

Record Information on the Meetings Page

To record a note on the Meetings page you can click in the text box and start typing. Click [Save] to add the note.

Tip: tag a lesson using a "#" in your meeting note. Save the note and then click and drag the tagged lesson into the individual By Day lesson plan at the bottom. 

Plan Lessons for an Individual Child

You can plan directly from the Meetings page using an individualized view of the By Day lesson plan at the bottom of the page. Drag and drop lessons from your notes into the plan and move planned lessons by clicking and dragging between columns. 

The lessons you plan on an individual student's Meeting page will also populate the whole classroom's By Day lesson plan.

Tip: type Command-P (Mac) or Control-P (PC) to print an individualized lesson plan for a student. 

Archive a note

Click the small box to the left of the note to remove it from view on the Meeting page. You can view all of your archived notes by clicking [All Meeting Notes] in the upper right corner of the page.

Tip: Meeting notes will never be shared with parents. Only staff that have access to the student's classroom can view their meeting notes.


If you have additional questions or feedback, please send us an email at, or click [?] > [Ask] in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser window. 

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