Parent Photo Uploads via Mobile App

Parents can use the Transparent Classroom mobile app to upload a photo of their child, along with a caption. Classroom staff can then acknowledge the photo with a written comment, "like", or "heart." In this article, you will learn how to:

  • Enable parent photo uploads
  • Help parents upload photos
  • Respond to untagged parent uploads
  • Generate progress on lessons for children via parent photos

Enable parent photo uploads

Choosing to activate this feature is easy to do from the [Admin] page, and can be done on a class by class basis. First, an Admin must go to [Admin] > [School Settings] > [Parent Access] and select the classrooms to which they'd like to apply parent photo upload. Don't forget to [Save]. You can always uncheck this box to disable parent photo uploads. 

Help parents upload photos

Once you have enabled parent photo uploads, parents will see a camera icon when they log into the TC app. They click on this icon, take a photo, and add a caption (they must caption the photo or the app will not allow them to upload it). 

  • Parents can only upload one photo at a time,
  • Parents must add a description to each photo,
  • Each description is pre-tagged with their child's name. This tag cannot be removed.
  • For parents with multiple children at the school, the parent must select their other child from the drop-down menu at the top of their screen before taking the photo.

We have another article for the parents that walks them through uploading a photo from their end. You can access it here: Uploading Photos to Your Child's Transparent Classroom Profile.

Respond to untagged parent photos

Once the parent has uploaded the photo, the classroom staff can see it by going to their Activity page and looking under the tab [Untagged Parent Photos]. You can tell when a photo has not yet been acknowledged by the yellow highlight. Teachers can "Like", "Love", or comment on a parent uploaded photo, even adding a keyword and lesson tag to update the child's progress.  

Acknowledging a parent photo removes it from the Untagged Parent Photos page and removes the yellow highlight. 

Generate progress on lessons for children via parent photos

As a staff member, you can add new progress to a child's profile by adding a comment to the parent photo using a keyword (mastered, practiced, introduced, etc.) and a lesson tag (#). Parent comments will not change a child's progress with lessons. 


Let us know how this feature works for your school, and please reach out with any additional questions you have at, or click [?] > [Ask] in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser window. 

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