
Starting August 16, 2021, we have replaced the Parent Sign-in Page with our new Dropoff Page. This change adds additional security to the drop off and pick up process in Transparent Classroom. Each parent has a 6-digit PIN to sign their child or children in and out. In this article you will learn:

  • how to enable the Dropoff page
  • how to share the Dropoff PINs with parents
  • what the Dropoff page looks like for parents (dropoff workflow)
  • how the new Dropoff page connects to the existing Distance Dropoff
  • what about other adults who need to drop off or pick up a child?

Enabling the Dropoff Page

To enable the Dropoff page, go to [Admin] > [School Settings] > [Optional Features] and first make sure that you have enabled Attendance at your school (make sure to click [Save] at the bottom right). Then go to [Admin] > [School Settings] > [Attendance] > click the toggle to "Enable Dropoff" for each level you need to capture parent signatures > [Save]. 

Sharing the Dropoff PINs with Parents

Once you have enabled Dropoff, each parent of a child who is active or incoming in the current session can be emailed with their Dropoff PIN. 

You can always resend this PIN to parents from the parent directory. 

Just like with other notifications that are sent to parents, you can customize the Dropoff PIN notification by going to [Admin] > [Notifications] and clicking on the notification name. Reminder, do not change anything within the curly brackets!

Parents can also login and edit their profile to find their dropoff PIN as well as generate a new PIN. 

Dropoff page workflow

To use the Dropoff page on a staff device, a teacher or admin will go to [Attendance] > [Dropoff]. This will log them out of Transparent Classroom so no parents can access the teacher or admin side of the website. The parents will see this screen on the tablet and they will enter their Dropoff PIN. 

They will select the child they wish to drop off (if they have more than one child at the school), add notes, select their name, and sign. 

They then have the option to sign in another child, or [Exit]. 

Once a parent clicks [Exit], the screen is ready for the next parent to enter their PIN. 

Distance Dropoff

The new Dropoff page has the same workflow as the Distance Dropoff, except it is done from a device at the school rather than a parent's phone. It does not require the parent to scan a QR code and they cannot sign their child in from their own phone unless you share the QR code with them.

For more information on Distance Dropoff please refer to this article: Distance Dropoff

Note: You can enable Screening Questions for the Dropoff page as well. Check out this article to find out more: Screening Questions on Attendance

Other Approved Adults

Parents can share their Dropoff PINs with any other Approved Adults who need to drop off or pick up children. Only parent users receive dropoff PINs. As stated above, a parent can always generate a new PIN if it is needed. 


As always, if you have any questions regarding our Dropoff page or workflow, please feel free to email us at info@transparentclassroom.com!

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