Attendance: Overview

You can use Transparent Classroom to track Attendance for your classroom or school. In this article we'll talk about how to:

Staff Can Record Attendance States and Track Times

The Attendance page is easy to use on smartphones and tablets. You can press the state buttons (i.e. P, A, T) next to a child's name to record attendance. A Transparent Classroom Administrator can customize which states appear here by going to [Admin] > [School Settings].


Staff can also track the time a child is dropped off or picked up by clicking [Sign In] or [Sign Out].


Clicking [Sign In] will automatically mark the child as present with the current timestamp. If you need to edit a time, just click on it. Click here to see how.

Parents Can Sign Children In and Out

Parents can sign children in or out using the Dropoff page, and the current time will automatically be recorded. To access this page, go to [Attendance] > [Dropoff]. The e-signature on this page satisfies the licensing requirements for parent signatures for most states. Parents can even leave a note for staff on this page.

To learn more about the Drop-off page  or Distance Drop-off, check out these articles:

Using the Attendance Report Page

Click [Attendance Report] to view Attendance data for a whole month or any period of time. Here you can view a summary of children's attendance information including:

  • How many absences, tardies, etc.
  • How many days they were early or late
  • How many minutes early or late children are over time


Some schools use this page to help them calculate billing for before and aftercare. 

If you've added a note in Attendance that you need to delete, click here to learn how.


If you have additional questions or feedback, please send us an email at, or click [?] > [Ask] in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser window.  

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