Attendance Report

Use the Attendance Report page to view your attendance data after it's been collected through Transparent Classroom.

In this article, you can learn how to:

  • view
  • download 
  • print 

your attendance from the Over Time and By Day Attendance Reports. 

Over Time

By default, you will land on the Over Time view when you navigate to the [Attendance Report] page. 

The over time view lets you see attendance data for any classroom, for any date range, along with important cumulative information to the right highlighted in gray. The gray box shows the total number of times a child was marked at any state of attendance and the cumulative number of hours and minutes a child was dropped off or picked up according to their Normal Hours during the reporting period. To learn how to set up Normal Hours at your school, you can check out this article

You can download a CSV of this attendance data by clicking [Download] in the upper right. 

To print this information, right-click and then select "Print". Alternatively, you can type "command" or "control" + "P" to print. 

To navigate to the By Day view, click the [By Day] button in the upper right. 

By Day

The By Day view shows detailed attendance information for a single day at a time. 

In this view, each child has a line that details their attendance information for the day. Depending on how you use Transparent Classroom to track attendance, you could view a timestamp of when the child was signed in, how late they were compared to their expected arrival time, who signed the child in, and any signatures associated with their sign in or sign out record. 

To switch to a different day, use the date selector in the upper right. 

To print this information, right-click and then select "Print". Alternatively, you can type "command" or "control" + "P" to print.

To download this information, follow the instructions to print, then download as a PDF from your computer's print preview window. 


If you have additional questions or feedback, please send us an email at, or click [?] > [Ask] in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser window.  

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