Inviting New Staff Members

Adding additional staff to your Transparent Classroom account is easy! In this article you will learn:

How to Create a New Staff Member

You can create an account for your new staff member using the Staff Directory:

Go to [Directory] > [Staff] > [New Staff Member] > enter staff name and email > assign role and classroom > [Create and Send Invitation].

Sometimes invitations from Transparent Classroom can be filtered, so be sure to have you staff check their junk mail if they do not receive the invitation email.

NOTE: If this person already exists in Transparent Classroom, as an Admin, you can add or remove a "Role" by editing their profile.

How to Give a Staff Member Access to Multiple Classrooms

Sometimes teachers need access to more than just their own classroom, or perhaps your staff member is a specialist that works with children in multiple classrooms. You can give staff members access to multiple classrooms without making them Admin users, or giving them access to the [Admin] menu. When you're setting up their account, simply add additional classrooms using the dropdown menu (purple highlighted in the above photo). Then [Create and Send Invitation]. 

What to do if Your Staff Member is Also a Parent

Staff can have multiple Roles. You can be an Admin and a Teacher user. You can also be a Teacher and a Parent user. In the "Role" area of the profile (red box in above photo), simply check all the boxes that apply. This can always be changed down the road by editing their profile.


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