Creating an Enrollment Checklist

You can make all of your enrollment forms and then link them into a single enrollment checklist. This allows you to only assign one form to parents (they only receive one notice about enrollment forms), and it walks them through each form and brings them back to the checklist when they submit a form. 

In this article you will learn how to:

Using the TC Form Templates

In order to reduce the work schools have to do to get started using Transparent Classroom, we have created a number of form templates that are available for you to copy and customize. To copy one of our templates, go to [Admin] > [Design Forms] > [Copy a Template from Our Library]. For more information about what to do with these form templates, refer to our Using Forms: Overview video, and our article entitled Changing and Updating Forms

Once you have customized the form templates you've copied, you're ready to create your checklist. 

Copy the Existing Enrollment Checklist

The easiest way to create an Enrollment Checklist is to copy our Enrollment Checklist template and all associated forms. This will automatically link the forms to the checklist and when you customize them, the changes will be reflected on the checklist. 

Attach Your Own Forms to the Enrollment Checklist

If you already have your forms created, but didn't know about our checklist, you can still use our template to create your Enrollment Checklist. Go to [Admin] > [Design Forms] > [Copy a Template from Our Library] > copy [Transparent Classroom Sample:Enrollment Checklist]. When you open it, you'll see a list of form names. Click on one to open the widget. You can change the name of the form here, and use the dropdown menu to choose what form to assign. 

Creating an Enrollment Checklist from Scratch

If you've already created all your forms and you don't want to bother editing the existing Enrollment Checklist Template, you can easily create one from scratch. Go to [Admin] > [Design Forms] > [New]. Give your checklist a name. You may also want to add the "Name" and "Birthdate" widgets. Then for each form you want to link, drag in the "Form Link" widget. 

Name the form and use the dropdown to select the form to link. 

Assigning the Checklist to Parents

The great thing about Enrollment Checklists is that you only have to assign one form to parents. Once you've accepted the child and created the parents, go to [Children] > [Forms] > use the dropdown in the upper right to select the session and [Incoming]. Then click [Assign Forms] > [Enrollment Checklist] > choose the child/children > [Assign New Forms]. You can set due dates and reminders here as well.


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