Sending Announcements
Send school-wide and classroom-specific announcements right from the Home Page!
Create an Announcement
Creating a new announcement is easy! Simply select your audience by choosing from the drop-down, create a title, craft the body, and send! Optionally, you can also add photo or document attachments.
To the right of each classroom, you will see the total number of parents who will receive your announcement by email, pictured below.
You have the option to only send Announcements to the selected classroom, or you can check the box to "Include classroom staff". This will send the announcement email to any teachers attached to that classroom and any admin users at the school, as well as the parents in the selected list.
When you click [Send], all recipients will receive an email notification right away, regardless of their notification settings. Your title will be the email subject, and the body of the announcement will be the body of the email. Any attachments or photos will be included as links in the email. Replies will be sent to the email address associated with the staff user who sent the announcement.
Parents and staff can also see an announcement feed on the [Home] page. New announcements will be highlighted in light purple, but parents can look back at old announcements anytime by clicking the [More] button. Please note: any active parent (a parent who has not been marked "Inactive") will be able to view any "All Classroom" announcements from the [Home] page regardless of their child's current classroom.
You can use basic HTML to add formatting to your announcement when it appears on your Transparent Classroom homepage, however, we cannot guarantee that the formatting will be interpreted properly by all recipients' email clients.
You can add attachments to your announcements by clicking on the paperclip icon at the bottom left of the announcements box. Attaching multiple photos creates a photo slideshow that can be clicked through using the white arrow buttons on top of the photo.
Note: Attachments are limited to a total of 20MB.
Note: We do not recommend using Announcements to email a lot of highly formatted information to parents. Rather, if you have a lot of info to share, you can create a School Info article and then send an announcement to the parents with a link to the School Info page. Click here to learn more about adding School Info articles to the homepage.
Edit or Delete Announcements
To edit or delete your announcement, click the ellipsis in the upper right-hand corner of the announcement box. When you edit your announcement, you can add or delete attachments, update the body, and title.
Note: Editing your announcement will not send a second email. Please delete the announcement and create a new one if you would like your corrections to be sent via email.
Note: Clicking delete will permanently delete your announcement and cannot be reversed. Parents will still receive the email notification even if you delete the announcement.
Contact us at if you have any questions!