Children Page

The [Children] page includes more than just a roster of your class. This article will walk you through:

The Children Page is a list of the children in your classroom (a class roster). The default setting for this list is the current session. You can change this by using the drop-down menu in the upper right corner. For example, you would want to change the session you're viewing if you are looking for a child who is no longer in your class. Screen_Shot_2018-01-25_at_3.50.41_PM.png

Emailing and Texting Parents from the Children Page

When you go to [Children], you'll see that each child has a small box to the left of their name. Check one of these boxes and the options to email or text parents will appear at the top of your page. For a more detailed explanation of emailing and texting parents, refer to our Emailing Parents article.  Screen_Shot_2018-01-25_at_3.54.57_PM.png

Updating a Child's Information

On the main [Children] page there are three columns: Sort By, Age, and Parents.

[Sort By] and [Parents] are both drop-down menus. To access the menu, simply click on the heading. [Sort By] will allow you to sort the children by first name, last name, or age. [Parents] will give you the option to view Parents, Approved Adults, Emergency Contact, Normal Hours, and Birthdates, and the option to add or edit Allergies, Dominant Language, Grade, Student ID, and Notes. 

To update information such as Emergency Contacts and Normal Hours, you need to edit from the child's profile page. Click on [Edit] under a child's name to edit their profile. 

Printing Class Rosters, Emergency Contacts, Allergies, etc...

Printing a list of allergies (or any of the other options in the [Parent] drop-down menu) for your classroom is easy from this page. Simply use the [Parent] dropdown menu to view the allergies, then use Command+P (Mac), or Control+P (PC) to open the printer dialogue. 


Adding New Children

If necessary, you can add a new child to your classroom from the Children page. However, before adding a child in this way, check with your admin to see if that child already exists in the school. For an existing child, moving them into your classroom is a different process.

To add a new child from the Children page, click on the blue [Add Child] button. Fill in the child's information and save. The child should then appear in your children list. You can click [Edit] under their name to add additional information to their profile.


If you have additional questions or feedback, please send us an email at, or click [?] > [Ask] in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser window.  

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